Saturday, June 23, 2007


(photo by Emily Hurst)

Another batch of chairs is finished and on display at Spirit and Kitsch! See more photos on Flickr (click the link on the right hand side of this page)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Photos on Flickr

(photo by Emily Hurst)

I've uploaded new pictures of some of my most recent chairs onto Flickr. You can check them out by clicking on the link on the right-hand side of this page.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Sketches for Chairs at Viva Taqueria

Comission at Viva Taqueria

I'm diving into a commission project for one of Ithaca's Mexican restaurants, Viva Taqueria (! I've picked up five of their dining room chairs and 15 pails of paint left over from other interior design projects. I'll work on at least these five chairs and a dozen stools for the taqueria side of the restaurant, and then perhaps some more chairs for the cantina side if the first five work out. I got some great advice from the folks at Ithaca Paint and Decorating Inc. about what materials to use on "high traffic" chairs like these. I'm looking forward to the weekend--great chair-painting weather has been forecasted!